The Official Site of the Los Santos Police Department

"to protect and to serve"

Police Department
Posts: 1673
Joined: Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:53 am
Primary Assignment: N/A


LSPD Headquarters
2 W Occupation Avenue
Los Santos, SA. 90012


Criminal Record Requests

The Los Santos Police Department provides members of the public the ability to request criminal records through a written or electronic request. This may be requested via our Criminal Records Request Desk. Your request is then handled by the Records and Identification Division.

Public Relations Desk

The Public Relations Desk contains information for the general public and officers of the Department from the Public Communications and Community Relations Detail regarding press releases and event requests. Requests can be made via our Public Relations Desk. A request is then handled by a Public Information Officer of the Los Santos Police Department.

Commendations & Complaints

Our Commendations & Complaints Desk allows the public to submit crime complaints, written complaints on an employee, or commend an employee of the Los Santos Police Department, which will then be forwarded to appropriate bodies. Commendations can be made via our Commendations Desk.

Submitting a complaint on an employee of the Los Santos Police Department shall be directed to the Internal Affairs Division, whom will handle your complaint.

Firearms Licensing & Vehicle Tint Exemption

Our Firearms Licensing Division is responsible for handling of all Firearms Licenses and Guard Cards. All necessary and relevant information for applying can be found via the Licensing Desk.

The Tint Exemption Desk allows the public to submit a request for a tint exemption status of their vehicle or business vehicle, per the Permittance of Anonymizing Shades Statewide Act Of 2021. A request can be made via the Tint Exemption Desk. A request is then handled by a member of the Traffic Division of the Los Santos Police Department.

Ride Along Requests

Our Ride Along Program allows members of the public to apply for ride-along permissions with an employee of the Los Santos Police Department. Further information can be found via the Ride Along Requests Desk. A request is then handled by a member of the Los Santos Police Department.

General Inquiries

General inquiries regarding Departmental information, queries that cannot be found elsewhere in the Department, scheduling a meeting with the Chief of Police, or liaising with external government agencies shall be handled by contacting the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you are a representative with an external agency, the Governmental Liaison Section shall respond to your query via the Chief of Staff.

Legal Affairs Inquiries & Subpoena Control

Legal inquiries regarding any and all legal matters, information, and subpoena control, shall be forwarded to the Legal Affairs Division and the Chief of Staff. Any correspondence regarding legal matters outside of this method may result in your query not being processed. If your query has not been answered within 48 hours, you shall be notified by the Office of the Chief of Staff or Legal Affairs regarding the status of your request.

Chief of Staff
Assistant Chief Michelle Li
[email protected]

Office of the Chief of Staff

Public Relations Desk
Media Relations
[email protected]

Public Communications Division

Internal Affairs Desk
Lieutenant II Gianfranco Perez
[email protected]
Internal Affairs Division

Personnel Desk
Police Administrator I Danica Ashford
[email protected]
Personnel Division
Licensing Desk
Police Administrator I Luciana Ortiz
[email protected]
Firearms Licensing Division

Legal Affairs / Subpoena Control
Legal Service Information
[email protected]

Public Records & Subpoena Response Section

Criminal Records Desk
Chief Clerk Police Jennifer Schneider
[email protected]

Records & Identification Division